Source code for pyflex.interval_scheduling

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Weighted interval scheduling implementation.

Adapted from

    Victor Farazdagi, 2013
    Lion Krischer (, 2014
    GNU General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA

import collections
import bisect

def compute_previous_intervals(I):
    For every interval j, compute the rightmost mutually compatible interval
    i, where i < j I is a sorted list of Interval objects (sorted by finish
    # extract start and finish times
    start = [i.left for i in I]
    finish = [i.right for i in I]

    p = []
    for j in range(len(I)):
        # rightmost interval f_i <= s_j
        i = bisect.bisect_right(finish, start[j]) - 1

    return p

[docs]def schedule_weighted_intervals(I): """ Use dynamic algorithm to schedule weighted intervals sorting is O(n log n), finding p[1..n] is O(n log n), finding OPT[1..n] is O(n), selecting is O(n) whole operation is dominated by O(n log n) """ # f_1 <= f_2 <= .. <= f_n I.sort(key=lambda x: x.right) p = compute_previous_intervals(I) # compute OPTs iteratively in O(n), here we use DP OPT = collections.defaultdict(int) OPT[-1] = 0 OPT[0] = 0 for j in range(1, len(I)): OPT[j] = max(I[j].weight + OPT[p[j]], OPT[j - 1]) # given OPT and p, find actual solution intervals in O(n) O = [] def compute_solution(j): if j >= 0: # will halt on OPT[-1] if I[j].weight + OPT[p[j]] > OPT[j - 1]: O.append(I[j]) compute_solution(p[j]) else: compute_solution(j - 1) compute_solution(len(I) - 1) # resort, as our O is in reverse order (OPTIONAL) O.sort(key=lambda x: x.right) return O