Add a New Adjoint Source

The following page provides a brief overview on adding new adjoint sources to this package.


New adjoint sources should be named in snake case and not match an existing adjoint source type. For example, the instantaneous phase misfit should have

adjsrc_type = "instantaneous_phase"

Double difference adjoint sources must end in ‘_dd’, so a double difference instantaneous phase misfit should be

adjsrc_type = "instantaneous_phase_dd"

Adjoint Source Type

New adjoint sources should be placed in pyadjoint.pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.

Have a look at existing adjoint sources to learn their code structure, but at the simplest the new adjoint source file should have a function calculate_adjoint_source().

# Each adjoint source file must contain a calculate_adjoint_source()
# function. It must take config, observed, synthetic, and windows.
# Other optional keyword arguments are possible.
def calculate_adjoint_source(observed, synthetic, config, windows, **kwargs):
    Some information defining the adjoint source
    # This function must return a dictionary
    ret_val = {}

    # >>> calculate `misfit` and `adjoint_source` here

    ret_val["misfit"] = # ...
    ret_val["adjoint_source"] = # ...

    return ret_val

The main processing function expects two keys in the return dictionary, misfit and adjoint_source. Misfit is a float value representing the total misfit calculated. Adjoint source should be a NumPy array representing the calculated adjoint source.


The adjoint source returned by calculate_adjoint_source must be time reversed with respect to the synthetic waveform

Double Difference

Double difference adjoint sources require additional inputs and outputs.

def calculate_adjoint_source(observed, synthetic, config, windows,
                             observed_2, synthetic_2, windows_2):
    Some information defining the adjoint source
    ret_val = {}

    # >>> calculate `misfit`, `adjoint_source` and `adjoint_source_2` here

    ret_val["misfit"] = # ...
    ret_val["adjoint_source"] = # ...
    ret_val["adjoint_source_2"] = # ...

    return ret_val


You must include your new adjoint source type in the config file.


If your new adjoint source type is a double difference technique, then adjsrc_type must end in _dd (e.g,. ‘waveform_dd’). Pyadjoint will recognize this and treat the remaining logic accordingly.

  1. Add new adjsrc_type to the constant list in ADJSRC_TYPES

  2. Add new adjoint source to the get_config() function. If your adjoint source requires it’s own Config object (due to special parameters), you will need to create one.

  3. Add new adjoint source to the get_function() function. This allows Pyadjoint to find the correct function based on the name of the adjoint source.