Source code for pyflex.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utility functionality for pyflex.

    Lion Krischer (, 2014
    GNU General Public License, Version 3
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from future.builtins import *  # NOQA
from future import standard_library

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

with standard_library.hooks():
    import itertools

[docs]def find_local_extrema(data): """ Function finding local extrema. It can also deal with flat extrema, e.g. a flat top or bottom. In that case the first index of all flat values will be returned. Returns a tuple of maxima and minima indices. """ diff = np.diff(data) flats = np.argwhere(diff == 0) # Discard neighbouring flat points. new_flats = list(flats[0:1]) for i, j in zip(flats[:-1], flats[1:]): if j - i == 1: continue new_flats.append(j) flats = new_flats maxima = [] minima = [] # Go over each flats position and check if its a maxima/minima. for idx in flats: l_type = "left" r_type = "right" for i in itertools.count(): this_idx = idx - i - 1 if diff[this_idx] < 0: l_type = "minima" break elif diff[this_idx] > 0: l_type = "maxima" break for i in itertools.count(): this_idx = idx + i + 1 if this_idx >= len(diff): break if diff[this_idx] < 0: r_type = "maxima" break elif diff[this_idx] > 0: r_type = "minima" break if r_type != l_type: continue if r_type == "maxima": maxima.append(int(idx)) else: minima.append(int(idx)) maxs = set(list(argrelextrema(data, np.greater)[0])) mins = set(list(argrelextrema(data, np.less)[0])) return np.array(sorted(list(maxs.union(set(maxima)))), dtype="int32"), \ np.array(sorted(list(mins.union(set(minima)))), dtype="int32")