General utility functions used to calculate misfit and adjoint sources for the
cross correlation traveltime misfit function
import numpy as np
import warnings
from obspy.signal.cross_correlation import xcorr_pick_correction
from scipy.integrate import simps
from pyadjoint import logger
[docs]def calculate_cc_shift(d, s, dt, use_cc_error=True, dt_sigma_min=1.0,
dlna_sigma_min=0.5, **kwargs):
Calculate cross-correlation traveltime misfit (time shift, amplitude
anomaly) and associated errors, for a given window.
This is accessed by both the CC and MTM measurement methods.
.. note::
Kwargs not used but allows Config class to pass relevant parameters
without explicitely naming them in the function call
:type d: np.array
:param d: observed data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type dt: float
:param dt: time sampling rate delta t units seconds
:type use_cc_error: bool
:param use_cc_error: use cross correlation errors for normalization
:type dt_sigma_min: float
:param dt_sigma_min: minimum travel time error allowed
:type dlna_sigma_min: float
:param dlna_sigma_min: minimum amplitude error allowed
:rtype: tuple (float, float, float, float)
:return: (time shift [s], amplitude anomaly, time shift error [s],
amplitude anomaly error)
# Note that CC values may dramatically change with/without the tapering
ishift = xcorr_shift(d, s) # timeshift in unit samples
tshift = ishift * dt # timeshift in unit seconds
dlna = 0.5 * np.log(sum(d[:] * d[:]) /
sum(s[:] * s[:])) # amplitude anomaly
# Uncertainty estimate based on cross-correlations to be used for norm.
if use_cc_error:
sigma_dt, sigma_dlna = calculate_cc_error(d=d, s=s, dt=dt,
cc_shift=tshift, dlna=dlna,
logger.debug("CC error: "
f"dt={tshift:.2f}+/-{sigma_dt:.2f}s; "
f"dlna = {dlna:.3f}+/-{sigma_dlna:.3f}"
sigma_dt = 1.0
sigma_dlna = 1.0
return tshift, dlna, sigma_dt, sigma_dlna
[docs]def calculate_cc_adjsrc(s, tshift, dlna, dt, sigma_dt=1., sigma_dlna=0.5,
Calculate adjoint source and misfit of the cross correlation traveltime
misfit function. This is accessed by both the CC and MTM measurement
.. note::
Kwargs not used but allows Config class to pass relevant parameters
without explicitely naming them in the function call
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic data array
:type tshift: float
:param tshift: measured time shift from `calculate_cc_shift`
:type dlna: float
:param dlna: measured amplitude anomaly from `calculate_cc_shift`
:type dt: float
:param dt: delta t, time sampling rate of `s`
:type sigma_dt: float
:param sigma_dt: traveltime error from `calculate_cc_shift`
:type sigma_dlna: float
:param sigma_dlna: amplitude anomaly error from `calculate_cc_shift`
:rtype: (float, float, np.array, np.array)
:return: (tshift misfit, dlna misfit, tshift adjsrc, dlna adjsrc)
n = len(s)
# Initialize empty arrays for memory efficiency
fp = np.zeros(n)
fq = np.zeros(n)
# Calculate the misfit for both time shift and amplitude anomaly
misfit_p = 0.5 * (tshift / sigma_dt) ** 2
misfit_q = 0.5 * (dlna / sigma_dlna) ** 2
# Calculate adjoint sources for both time shift and amplitude anomaly
dsdt = np.gradient(s, dt)
nnorm = simps(y=dsdt * dsdt, dx=dt)
# note: Princeton ver. of code has a -1 on `fp` because they have a '-' on
# `nnorm`. Current format follows original Krischer code implementation
fp[0:n] = dsdt[0:n] * tshift / nnorm / sigma_dt ** 2
mnorm = simps(y=s * s, dx=dt)
fq[0:n] = -1.0 * s[0:n] * dlna / mnorm / sigma_dlna ** 2
return misfit_p, misfit_q, fp, fq
[docs]def calculate_dd_cc_shift(d, s, d_2, s_2, dt, use_cc_error=True,
dt_sigma_min=1.0, dlna_sigma_min=0.5, **kwargs):
Calculate double difference cross-correlation traveltime misfit
(time shift, amplitude anomaly) and associated errors, for a given window.
Slight variation on normal CC shift calculation
- DD dlna measurement was not properly calculated in the RDNO version
Assumes d, s, d_2 and s_2 all have the same sampling rate
.. note::
Kwargs not used but allows Config class to pass relevant parameters
without explicitely naming them in the function call
:type d: np.array
:param d: observed data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type dt: float
:param dt: time sampling rate delta t units seconds
:type d_2: np.array
:param d_2: 2nd pair observed data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type s_2: np.array
:param s_2: 2nd pair synthetic data to calculate cc shift and dlna
:type use_cc_error: bool
:param use_cc_error: use cross correlation errors for normalization
:type dt_sigma_min: float
:param dt_sigma_min: minimum travel time error allowed
:type dlna_sigma_min: float
:param dlna_sigma_min: minimum amplitude error allowed
:rtype: tuple (float, float, float, float)
:return: (time shift [s], amplitude anomaly, time shift error [s],
amplitude anomaly error)
# Calculate time shift between 'observed' or 'data' waveforms
ishift_obs = xcorr_shift(d, d_2) # timeshift in unit samples
tshift_obs = ishift_obs * dt # timeshift in unit seconds
# Calculate time shift between 'synthetic' waveforms
ishift_syn = xcorr_shift(s, s_2) # timeshift in unit samples
tshift_syn = ishift_obs * dt # timeshift in unit seconds
# Overall shift is difference between differential measurements
ishift_dd = ishift_syn - ishift_obs
tshift = ishift_dd * dt
# FIXME: !!! This is not properly calculated as a differential !!!
dlna_obs = 0.5 * np.log(sum(d[:] * d[:]) /
sum(d_2[:] * d_2[:])) # amplitude anomaly
dlna_syn = 0.5 * np.log(sum(s[:] * s[:]) /
sum(s_2[:] * s_2[:])) # amplitude anomaly
# Uncertainty is estimated based on DATA cross correlation
if use_cc_error:
sigma_dt, sigma_dlna = calculate_cc_error(
d=d, s=d_2, dt=dt, cc_shift=ishift_obs, dlna=dlna_obs,
dt_sigma_min=dt_sigma_min, dlna_sigma_min=dlna_sigma_min
logger.debug("CC error: "
f"dt={tshift_obs:.2f}+/-{sigma_dt:.2f}s; "
f"dlna = {dlna_obs:.3f}+/-{sigma_dlna:.3f}"
sigma_dt = 1.0
sigma_dlna = 1.0
return tshift, tshift_obs, tshift_syn, dlna_obs, dlna_syn, sigma_dt, \
[docs]def calculate_dd_cc_adjsrc(s, s_2, tshift, dlna, dt, sigma_dt=1.,
sigma_dlna=0.5, **kwargs):
Calculate double difference cross corrrelation adjoint sources.
- Add dlna capability to this function
.. note::
Kwargs not used but allows Config class to pass relevant parameters
without explicitely naming them in the function call
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic data array
:type s_2: np.array
:param s_2: second synthetic data array
:type tshift: float
:param tshift: measured dd time shift from `calculate_dd_cc_shift`
:type dlna: float
:param dlna: measured dd amplitude anomaly from `calculate_dd_cc_shift`
:type dt: float
:param dt: delta t, time sampling rate of `s`
:type sigma_dt: float
:param sigma_dt: traveltime error from `calculate_cc_shift`
:type sigma_dlna: float
:param sigma_dlna: amplitude anomaly error from `calculate_cc_shift`
:rtype: (float, float, np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array)
:return: (tshift misfit, dlna misfit, tshift adjsrc, dlna adjsrc,
tshift adjsrc 2, dlna adjsrc 2)
# So that we don't have to pass this in as an argument
ishift_dd = int(tshift / dt) # time shift in samples
n = len(s)
# Initialize empty arrays for memory efficiency
fp = np.zeros(n) # time shift
fp_2 = np.zeros(n)
fq = np.zeros(n) # amplitude anomaly
fq_2 = np.zeros(n)
# Calculate the misfit for both time shift and amplitude anomaly
misfit_p = 0.5 * (tshift / sigma_dt) ** 2
misfit_q = 0.5 * (dlna / sigma_dlna) ** 2
# Calculate adjoint sources for both time shift and amplitude anomaly
dsdt = np.gradient(s, dt)
# Time shift and gradient the first set of synthetics in reverse time
s_cc_dt, _ = cc_correction(s, -1 * ishift_dd, 0.)
dsdt_cc = np.gradient(s_cc_dt, dt)
# Time shift and gradient the second of synthetics
s_2_cc_dt, _ = cc_correction(s_2, ishift_dd, 0.)
dsdt_cc_2 = np.gradient(s_2_cc_dt, dt)
# Integrate the product of gradients
# FIXME: Is `dsdt` supposed to be `dsdt_cc`? Need to check equations
nnorm = simps(y=dsdt * dsdt_cc_2, dx=dt)
# note: Princeton ver. of code has a -1 on `fp` because they have a '-' on
# `nnorm`. Current format follows original Krischer code implementation
fp[0:n] = -1 * dsdt_cc_2[0:n] * tshift / nnorm / sigma_dt ** 2 # -1
fp_2[0:n] = +1 * dsdt_cc[0:n] * tshift / nnorm / sigma_dt ** 2 # +1
return misfit_p, misfit_q, fp, fp_2, fq, fq_2
[docs]def cc_correction(s, cc_shift, dlna):
Apply a correction to synthetics by shifting in time by `cc_shift` samples
and scaling amplitude by `dlna`. Provides the 'best fitting' synthetic
array w.r.t data as realized by the cross correlation misfit function
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic data array
:type cc_shift: int
:param cc_shift: time shift (in samples) as calculated using cross a
cross correlation
:type dlna: float
:param dlna: amplitude anomaly as calculated by amplitude anomaly eq.
:rtype: (np.array, np.array)
:return: (time shifted synthetic array, amplitude scaled synthetic array)
nlen_t = int(len(s))
s_cc_dt = np.zeros(nlen_t)
s_cc_dtdlna = np.zeros(nlen_t)
for index in range(0, nlen_t):
index_shift = index - int(cc_shift)
if 0 <= index_shift < nlen_t:
# corrected by c.c. shift
s_cc_dt[index] = s[index_shift]
# corrected by c.c. shift and amplitude
s_cc_dtdlna[index] = np.exp(dlna) * s[index_shift]
return s_cc_dt, s_cc_dtdlna
[docs]def calculate_cc_error(d, s, dt, cc_shift, dlna, dt_sigma_min=1.0,
Estimate error for `dt` and `dlna` with uncorrelation assumption. Used for
normalization of the traveltime measurement
:type d: np.array
:param d: observed time series array to calculate error for
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic time series array to calculate error for
:type dt: float
:param dt: delta t, time sampling rate
:type cc_shift: int
:param cc_shift: total amount of cross correlation time shift in samples
:type dlna: float
:param dlna: amplitude anomaly calculated for cross-correlation measurement
:type dt_sigma_min: float
:param dt_sigma_min: minimum travel time error allowed
:type dlna_sigma_min: float
:param dlna_sigma_min: minimum amplitude error allowed
# Apply a scaling and time shift to the synthetic data
s_cc_dt, s_cc_dtdlna = cc_correction(s, cc_shift, dlna)
# time derivative of s_cc (velocity)
s_cc_vel = np.gradient(s_cc_dtdlna, dt)
# The estimated error for dt and dlna with uncorrelation assumption
sigma_dt_top = np.sum((d - s_cc_dtdlna)**2)
sigma_dt_bot = np.sum(s_cc_vel**2)
sigma_dlna_top = sigma_dt_top
sigma_dlna_bot = np.sum(s_cc_dt**2)
sigma_dt = np.sqrt(sigma_dt_top / sigma_dt_bot)
sigma_dlna = np.sqrt(sigma_dlna_top / sigma_dlna_bot)
# Check that errors do not go below the pre-defined threshold value
if sigma_dt < dt_sigma_min or np.isnan(sigma_dt):
sigma_dt = dt_sigma_min
if sigma_dlna < dlna_sigma_min or np.isnan(sigma_dlna):
sigma_dlna = dlna_sigma_min
return sigma_dt, sigma_dlna
[docs]def xcorr_shift(d, s):
Determine the required time shift for peak cross-correlation of two arrays
:type d: np.array
:param d: observed time series array
:type s: np.array
:param s: synthetic time series array
cc = np.correlate(d, s, mode="full")
time_shift = cc.argmax() - len(d) + 1
return time_shift
[docs]def subsample_xcorr_shift(d, s):
Calculate the correlation time shift around the maximum amplitude of the
synthetic trace `s` with subsample accuracy.
:type d: obspy.core.trace.Trace
:param d: observed waveform to calculate adjoint source
:type s: obspy.core.trace.Trace
:param s: synthetic waveform to calculate adjoint source
# Estimate shift and use it as a guideline for the subsample accuracy shift.
time_shift = xcorr_shift(d.data, s.data) * d.stats.delta
# Align on the maximum amplitude of the synthetics.
pick_time = s.stats.starttime + s.data.argmax() * s.stats.delta
# Will raise a warning if the trace ids don't match which we don't care
# about here.
with warnings.catch_warnings():
return xcorr_pick_correction(
pick_time, s, pick_time, d, 20.0 * time_shift,
20.0 * time_shift, 10.0 * time_shift)[0]