Source code for dpss

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Utility functions for calculating multitaper measurements (MTM).
Mainly contains functions for calculating Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences

    adjTomo Dev Team (, 2022
    Lion Krischer (, 2016
    Martin Luessi (, 2012
License : BSD 3-clause
import numpy as np
from scipy import fftpack, linalg, interpolate

from pyadjoint import logger

[docs]def tridisolve(d, e, b, overwrite_b=True): """ Symmetric tridiagonal system solver, from Golub and Van Loan pg 157 .. note:: Copied from the mne-python package so credit goes to them.\ :type d: ndarray :param d: main diagonal stored in d[:] :type e: ndarray :param e: superdiagonal stored in e[:-1] :type b: ndarray :param b: RHS vector :rtype x : ndarray :return: Solution to Ax = b (if overwrite_b is False). Otherwise solution is stored in previous RHS vector b """ n = len(b) # work vectors dw = d.copy() ew = e.copy() if overwrite_b: x = b else: x = b.copy() for k in range(1, n): # e^(k-1) = e(k-1) / d(k-1) # d(k) = d(k) - e^(k-1)e(k-1) / d(k-1) t = ew[k - 1] ew[k - 1] = t / dw[k - 1] dw[k] = dw[k] - t * ew[k - 1] for k in range(1, n): x[k] = x[k] - ew[k - 1] * x[k - 1] x[n - 1] = x[n - 1] / dw[n - 1] for k in range(n - 2, -1, -1): x[k] = x[k] / dw[k] - ew[k] * x[k + 1] if not overwrite_b: return x
[docs]def tridi_inverse_iteration(d, e, w, x0=None, rtol=1e-8): """ Perform an inverse iteration to find the eigenvector corresponding to the given eigenvalue in a symmetric tridiagonal system. .. note:: Copied from the mne-python package so credit goes to them.\ :type d: ndarray :param d: main diagonal stored in d[:] :type e: ndarray :param e: off diagonal stored in e[:-1] :type w: float :param w: eigenvalue of the eigenvector :type x0: ndarray :param x0: initial point to start the iteration :type rtol : float :param rtol: tolerance for the norm of the difference of iterates :rtype: ndarray :return: The converged eigenvector """ eig_diag = d - w if x0 is None: x0 = np.random.randn(len(d)) x_prev = np.zeros_like(x0) norm_x = np.linalg.norm(x0) # the eigenvector is unique up to sign change, so iterate # until || |x^(n)| - |x^(n-1)| ||^2 < rtol x0 /= norm_x while np.linalg.norm(np.abs(x0) - np.abs(x_prev)) > rtol: x_prev = x0.copy() tridisolve(eig_diag, e, x0) norm_x = np.linalg.norm(x0) x0 /= norm_x return x0
[docs]def sum_squared(x): """ Compute norm of an array :type x: array :param x: Data whose norm must be found :rtype: float :return: Sum of squares of the input array X """ x_flat = x.ravel(order='F' if np.isfortran(x) else 'C') return, x_flat)
[docs]def dpss_windows(n, half_nbw, k_max, low_bias=True, interp_from=None, interp_kind='linear'): """ Returns the Discrete Prolate Spheroidal Sequences of orders [0,Kmax-1] for a given frequency-spacing multiple NW and sequence length N. Rayleigh bin parameter typical values of half_nbw/nw are 2.5,3,3.5,4. .. note:: Tridiagonal form of DPSS calculation from: Slepian, D. Prolate spheroidal wave functions, Fourier analysis, and uncertainty V: The discrete case. Bell System Technical Journal, Volume 57 (1978), 1371430 .. note:: This function was copied from NiTime :type n: int :param n: Sequence length :type half_nbw: float :param half_nbw: unitless standardized half bandwidth corresponding to 2 * half_bw = BW*f0 = BW*N/dt but with dt taken as 1 :type k_max: int :param k_max: Number of DPSS windows to return is Kmax (orders 0 through Kmax-1) :type low_bias: Bool :param low_bias: Keep only tapers with eigenvalues > 0.9 :type interp_from: int (optional) :param interp_from: The dpss can be calculated using interpolation from a set of dpss with the same NW and Kmax, but shorter N. This is the length of this shorter set of dpss windows. :type interp_kind: str (optional) :param interp_kind: This input variable is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d and specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic') or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. :rtype: tuple :return: (v, e), v is an array of DPSS windows shaped (Kmax, N), e are the eigenvalues """ k_max = int(k_max) w_bin = float(half_nbw) / n nidx = np.arange(n, dtype='d') # In this case, we create the dpss windows of the smaller size # (interp_from) and then interpolate to the larger size (N) if interp_from is not None: if interp_from > n: raise ValueError(f"In dpss_windows, interp_from is: {interp_from} " f"and N is: {n}. Please enter interp_from smaller " f"than N.") dpss = [] d, e = dpss_windows(interp_from, half_nbw, k_max, low_bias=False) for this_d in d: x = np.arange(this_d.shape[-1]) x_interp = interpolate.interp1d(x, this_d, kind=interp_kind) d_temp = x_interp(np.arange(0, this_d.shape[-1] - 1, float(this_d.shape[-1] - 1)/n)) # Rescale: d_temp = d_temp / np.sqrt(sum_squared(d_temp)) dpss.append(d_temp) dpss = np.array(dpss) else: # here we want to set up an optimization problem to find a sequence # whose energy is maximally concentrated within band [-W,W]. # Thus, the measure lambda(T,W) is the ratio between the energy within # that band, and the total energy. This leads to the eigen-system # (A - (l1)I)v = 0, where the eigenvector corresponding to the largest # eigenvalue is the sequence with maximally concentrated energy. The # collection of eigenvectors of this system are called Slepian # sequences, or discrete prolate spheroidal sequences (DPSS). Only the # first K, K = 2NW/dt orders of DPSS will exhibit good spectral # concentration # [see] # Here I set up an alternative symmetric tri-diagonal eigenvalue # problem such that # (B - (l2)I)v = 0, and v are our DPSS (but eigenvalues l2 != l1) # the main diagonal = ([N-1-2*t]/2)**2 cos(2PIW), t=[0,1,2,...,N-1] # and the first off-diagonal = t(N-t)/2, t=[1,2,...,N-1] # [see Percival and Walden, 1993] diagonal = ((n - 1 - 2*nidx)/2.)**2*np.cos(2*np.pi*w_bin) off_diag = np.zeros_like(nidx) off_diag[:-1] = nidx[1:] * (n - nidx[1:])/2. # put the diagonals in LAPACK "packed" storage ab = np.zeros((2, n), 'd') ab[1] = diagonal ab[0, 1:] = off_diag[:-1] # only calculate the highest Kmax eigenvalues w = linalg.eigvals_banded(ab, select='i', select_range=(n - k_max, n - 1)) w = w[::-1] # find the corresponding eigenvectors via inverse iteration t = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n) dpss = np.zeros((k_max, n), 'd') for k in range(k_max): dpss[k] = tridi_inverse_iteration(diagonal, off_diag, w[k], x0=np.sin((k + 1) * t)) # By convention (Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 379) # * symmetric tapers (k=0,2,4,...) should have a positive average. # * antisymmetric tapers should begin with a positive lobe fix_symmetric = (dpss[0::2].sum(axis=1) < 0) for i, f in enumerate(fix_symmetric): if f: dpss[2 * i] *= -1 fix_skew = (dpss[1::2, 1] < 0) for i, f in enumerate(fix_skew): if f: dpss[2 * i + 1] *= -1 # Now find the eigenvalues of the original spectral concentration problem # Use the autocorr sequence technique from Percival and Walden, 1993 pg 390 # compute autocorr using FFT (same as nitime.utils.autocorr(dpss) * N) rxx_size = 2*n - 1 n_fft = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(rxx_size))) dpss_fft = fftpack.fft(dpss, n_fft) dpss_rxx = np.real(fftpack.ifft(dpss_fft * dpss_fft.conj())) dpss_rxx = dpss_rxx[:, :n] r = 4 * w_bin * np.sinc(2 * w_bin * nidx) r[0] = 2 * w_bin eigvals =, r) if low_bias: idx = (eigvals > 0.9) if not idx.any(): logger.warning("Could not properly use low_bias, keeping " "lowest-bias taper") idx = [np.argmax(eigvals)] dpss, eigvals = dpss[idx], eigvals[idx] assert len(dpss) > 0 # should never happen return dpss, eigvals