Source code for pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.waveform_misfit

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple waveform-based misfit and adjoint source. Contains options for
'waveform' and 'convolution' misfit functions, as well as their double
difference counterparts

This one function takes care of implementation for multiple misfit functions:
    - 'waveform': Waveform misfit from [Tromp2005]_
    - 'convolution': Waveform convolution misfit from [Choi2011]_
    - 'waveform_dd': Double difference waveform misfit from [Yuan2016]_
    - 'convolution_dd': Double difference convolution misfit

    adjTomo Dev Team (, 2023
    Yanhua O. Yuan (, 2017
    Lion Krischer (, 2015
    BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified")
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps
from pyadjoint import logger
from pyadjoint.utils.signal import get_window_info, window_taper

[docs]def calculate_adjoint_source(observed, synthetic, config, windows, observed_2=None, synthetic_2=None, windows_2=None): """ Calculate adjoint source for the waveform-based misfit measurements. :type observed: obspy.core.trace.Trace :param observed: observed waveform to calculate adjoint source :type synthetic: obspy.core.trace.Trace :param synthetic: synthetic waveform to calculate adjoint source :type config: pyadjoint.config.ConfigWaveform :param config: Config class with parameters to control processing :type windows: list of tuples :param windows: [(left, right),...] representing left and right window borders to be tapered in units of seconds since first sample in data array :type observed_2: obspy.core.trace.Trace :param observed_2: second observed waveform to calculate adjoint sources from station pairs :type synthetic_2: obspy.core.trace.Trace :param synthetic_2: second synthetic waveform to calculate adjoint sources from station pairs :type windows_2: list of tuples :param windows_2: [(left, right),...] representing left and right window borders to be tapered in units of seconds since first sample in data array. Used to window `observed_2` and `synthetic_2` """ assert(config.__class__.__name__ == "ConfigWaveform"), \ "Incorrect configuration class passed to Waveform misfit" adjsrc_types = ["waveform", "convolution", "waveform_dd", "convolution_dd"] assert config.adjsrc_type in adjsrc_types, \ f"`config.adjsrc_type` must be in {adjsrc_types}""performing misfit caluclation with adjoint source type: " f"`{config.adjsrc_type}`") if config.double_difference: for val in [observed_2, synthetic_2, windows_2]: assert val is not None, ( "Double difference measurements require a second set of " "waveforms and windows (`observed_2`, `synthetic_2`, " "`windows_2`)" ) # Dictionary of values to be used to fill out the adjoint source class ret_val = {} # List of windows and some measurement values for each win_stats = [] # Initiate constants and empty return values to fill nlen_data = len( dt = adj = np.zeros(nlen_data) misfit_sum = 0.0 # Sets up for double difference misfit types if config.double_difference: adj_2 = np.zeros(nlen_data) # Loop over time windows and calculate misfit for each window range for i, window in enumerate(windows): left_sample, right_sample, nlen = get_window_info(window, dt) d = np.zeros(nlen) s = np.zeros(nlen) d[0: nlen] =[left_sample: right_sample] s[0: nlen] =[left_sample: right_sample] # Adjoint sources will need some kind of windowing taper to remove kinks # at window start and end times window_taper(d, taper_percentage=config.taper_percentage, taper_type=config.taper_type) window_taper(s, taper_percentage=config.taper_percentage, taper_type=config.taper_type) # Prepare double difference waveforms if requested. # Repeat the steps above for second set of waveforms if config.double_difference: left_sample_2, right_sample_2, nlen_2 = \ get_window_info(windows_2[i], dt) d_2 = np.zeros(nlen) s_2 = np.zeros(nlen) d_2[0: nlen_2] =[left_sample_2: right_sample_2] s_2[0: nlen_2] = \[left_sample_2: right_sample_2] # Taper DD measurements window_taper(d_2, taper_percentage=config.taper_percentage, taper_type=config.taper_type) window_taper(s_2, taper_percentage=config.taper_percentage, taper_type=config.taper_type) # Diff the two sets of waveforms if config.adjsrc_type == "waveform_dd": diff = (s - s_2) - (d - d_2) # Convolve the two sets of waveforms elif config.adjsrc_type == "convolution_dd": diff = np.convolve(s, d_2, "same") - np.convolve(d, s_2, "same") # Check at the top of function should avoid this else: raise NotImplementedError # Addressing a single set of waveforms else: # Convolve the two waveforms if config.adjsrc_type == "convolution": diff = np.convolve(s, d, "same") # Difference the two waveforms elif config.adjsrc_type == "waveform": diff = s - d else: raise NotImplementedError # Integrate with the composite Simpson's rule. misfit_win = 0.5 * simps(y=diff**2, dx=dt) misfit_sum += misfit_win # Taper again for smooth connection of windows adjoint source # with the full adjoint source window_taper(diff, taper_percentage=config.taper_percentage, taper_type=config.taper_type) # Include some information about each window's total misfit, # since its already calculated win_stats.append( {"type": config.adjsrc_type, "left": left_sample * dt, "right": right_sample * dt, "misfit": misfit_win, "difference": np.mean(diff)} ) adj[left_sample: right_sample] = diff[0:nlen] # If doing differential measurements, add some information about # second set of waveforms if config.double_difference: win_stats[i]["right_2"] = right_sample_2 * dt win_stats[i]["left_2"] = left_sample_2 * dt adj_2[left_sample_2: right_sample_2] = -1 * diff[0:nlen_2] # Finally, set the return dictionary ret_val["misfit"] = misfit_sum ret_val["window_stats"] = win_stats ret_val["adjoint_source"] = adj[::-1] if config.double_difference: ret_val["adjoint_source_2"] = adj_2[::-1] return ret_val