Source code for pyadjoint.config

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Configuration object for Pyadjoint.

To add new adjoint sources, you will need to
add a name, function and config to `ADJSRC_TYPES`, `get_config` and
`get_function`, respectively.

    adjTomo Dev Team (, 2022
    Youyi Ruan (, 2016
    Lion Krischer (, 2016
    GNU General Public License, Version 3
from pyadjoint.utils.signal import TAPER_COLLECTION

# Constants defining the available adjoint source types in this package and
# their verbose names. New adjoint sources need to be added here.
[docs]ADJSRC_TYPES = [ "waveform", "convolution", "exponentiated_phase", "cc_traveltime", "multitaper", "waveform_dd", "convolution_dd", "cc_traveltime_dd", "multitaper_dd", # >>> ADD NEW ADJOINT SOURCES HERE ]
[docs]def get_config(adjsrc_type, min_period, max_period, **kwargs): """ Defines two common parameters for all configuration objects and then reassigns self to a sub Config class which dictates its own required parameters """ adjsrc_type = adjsrc_type.lower() # allow for case-insensitivity assert(adjsrc_type in ADJSRC_TYPES), \ f"`adjsrc_type` must be in {ADJSRC_TYPES}, not {adjsrc_type}" assert(min_period < max_period), f"`min_period` must be < `max_period`" # Determine how to address double difference argument in Config object dd = bool("dd" in adjsrc_type) # Logic tree to determine what type of Config object is required, and # any sub-arguments required if adjsrc_type in ["waveform", "convolution", "waveform_dd", "convolution_dd"]: cfg = ConfigWaveform(min_period, max_period, double_difference=dd, **kwargs) elif adjsrc_type in ["exponentiated_phase", "exponentiated_phase_dd"]: cfg = ConfigExponentiatedPhase(min_period, max_period, double_difference=dd, **kwargs) elif adjsrc_type in ["cc_traveltime", "cc_traveltime_dd"]: cfg = ConfigCCTraveltime(min_period, max_period, double_difference=dd, **kwargs) elif adjsrc_type in ["multitaper", "multitaper_dd"]: cfg = ConfigMultitaper(min_period, max_period, double_difference=dd, **kwargs) # >>> ADD NEW ADJOINT SOURCES HERE else: raise NotImplementedError(f"adjoint source type must be in " f"{ADJSRC_TYPES}, not {adjsrc_type}") # Set the adjoint source type as an attribute for check functions and plots cfg.adjsrc_type = adjsrc_type # Perform some parameter checks if "measure_type" in vars(cfg): assert(cfg.measure_type in ["dt", "am"]), \ "`measure_type` must be 'dt' or 'am'" assert(cfg.taper_type in TAPER_COLLECTION), \ f"`taper_type` must be in {TAPER_COLLECTION}" return cfg
[docs]def get_function(adjsrc_type): """ Wrapper for getting the correct adjoint source function based on the `adjsrc_type`. Many adjoint sources share functions with different flags so this function takes care of the logic of choosing which. :type adjsrc_type: str :param adjsrc_type: choice of adjoint source :rtype: function :return: calculate_adjoint_source function for the correct adjoint source type """ assert(adjsrc_type in ADJSRC_TYPES), \ f"`adjsrc_type` must be in {ADJSRC_TYPES}" if adjsrc_type in ["waveform", "convolution", "waveform_dd", "convolution_dd"]: from pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.waveform_misfit import \ calculate_adjoint_source fct = calculate_adjoint_source elif adjsrc_type in ["cc_traveltime", "cc_traveltime_dd"]: from pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.cc_traveltime_misfit import \ calculate_adjoint_source fct = calculate_adjoint_source elif adjsrc_type in ["exponentiated_phase", "exponentiated_phase_dd"]: from pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.exponentiated_phase_misfit import \ calculate_adjoint_source fct = calculate_adjoint_source elif adjsrc_type in ["multitaper", "multitaper_dd"]: from pyadjoint.adjoint_source_types.multitaper_misfit import \ calculate_adjoint_source fct = calculate_adjoint_source # >>> ADD NEW ADJOINT SOURCES HERE return fct
[docs]class ConfigWaveform: """ Waveform misfit function required parameters :param min_period: Minimum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type min_period: float :param max_period: Maximum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type max_period: float :param taper_percentage: Percentage of a time window needs to be tapered at two ends, to remove the non-zero values for adjoint source and for fft. :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: taper type, see pyadjoint.utils.signal.TAPER_COLLECTION list for available taper types :type taper_type: str :type double_difference: bool :param double_difference: flag to turn on double difference measurements, which signals to the main calc function whether additional waveforms are required at input """ def __init__(self, min_period, max_period, taper_type="hann", taper_percentage=0.3, double_difference=False): self.min_period = min_period self.max_period = max_period self.taper_type = taper_type self.taper_percentage = taper_percentage self.double_difference = double_difference # To be overwritten by get_config() self.adjsrc_type = None
[docs]class ConfigExponentiatedPhase: """ Exponentiated Phase misfit function required parameters :param min_period: Minimum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type min_period: float :param max_period: Maximum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type max_period: float :param taper_percentage: Percentage of a time window needs to be tapered at two ends, to remove the non-zero values for adjoint source and for fft. :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: taper type, see pyadjoint.utils.signal.TAPER_COLLECTION list for available taper types :type taper_type: str :param wtr_env: float :param wtr_env: window taper envelope amplitude scaling :type double_difference: bool :param double_difference: flag to turn on double difference measurements, which signals to the main calc function whether additional waveforms are required at input """ def __init__(self, min_period, max_period, taper_type="hann", taper_percentage=0.3, wtr_env=0.2, double_difference=False): self.min_period = min_period self.max_period = max_period self.taper_type = taper_type self.taper_percentage = taper_percentage self.wtr_env = wtr_env self.double_difference = double_difference # To be overwritten by get_config() self.adjsrc_type = None
[docs]class ConfigCCTraveltime: """ Cross-correlation Traveltime misfit function required parameters :param min_period: Minimum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type min_period: float :param max_period: Maximum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type max_period: float :param taper_percentage: Percentage of a time window needs to be tapered at two ends, to remove the non-zero values for adjoint source and for fft. :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: taper type, see pyadjoint.utils.signal.TAPER_COLLECTION list for available taper types :type taper_type: str :param measure_type: measurement type used in calculation of misfit, dt(travel time), am(dlnA), wf(full waveform) :param measure_type: string :param use_cc_error: use cross correlation errors for normalization :type use_cc_error: bool :param dt_sigma_min: minimum travel time error allowed :type dt_sigma_min: float :param dlna_sigma_min: minimum amplitude error allowed :type dlna_sigma_min: float :type double_difference: bool :param double_difference: flag to turn on double difference measurements, which signals to the main calc function whether additional waveforms are required at input """ def __init__(self, min_period, max_period, taper_type="hann", taper_percentage=0.3, measure_type="dt", use_cc_error=True, dt_sigma_min=1.0, dlna_sigma_min=0.5, double_difference=False): self.min_period = min_period self.max_period = max_period self.taper_type = taper_type self.taper_percentage = taper_percentage self.measure_type = measure_type self.use_cc_error = use_cc_error self.dt_sigma_min = dt_sigma_min self.dlna_sigma_min = dlna_sigma_min self.double_difference = double_difference # To be overwritten by get_config() self.adjsrc_type = None
[docs]class ConfigMultitaper: """ Multitaper misfit function required parameters :param min_period: Minimum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type min_period: float :param max_period: Maximum period of the filtered input data in seconds. :type max_period: float :param taper_percentage: Percentage of a time window needs to be tapered at two ends, to remove the non-zero values for adjoint source and for fft. :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: taper type, see pyadjoint.utils.signal.TAPER_COLLECTION list for available taper types :type taper_type: str :param measure_type: measurement type used in calculation of misfit, dt(travel time), am(dlnA), wf(full waveform) :type measure_type: str :param use_cc_error: use cross correlation errors for normalization :type use_cc_error: bool :param use_mt_error: use multi-taper error for normalization :type use_mt_error: bool :param dt_sigma_min: minimum travel time error allowed :type dt_sigma_min: float :param dlna_sigma_min: minimum amplitude error allowed :type dlna_sigma_min: float :param lnpt: power index to determine the time length use in FFT (2^lnpt) :type lnpt: int :param transfunc_waterlevel: Water level on the transfer function between data and synthetic. :type transfunc_waterlevel: float :param water_threshold: the triggering value to stop the search. If the spectra is larger than 10*water_threshold it will trigger the search again, works like the heating thermostat. :type water_threshold: float :param ipower_costaper: order of cosine taper, higher the value, steeper the shoulders. :type ipower_costaper: int :param min_cycle_in_window: Minimum cycle of a wave in time window to determin the maximum period can be reliably measured. :type min_cycle_in_window: int :param mt_nw: bin width of multitapers (nw*df is the half bandwidth of multitapers in frequency domain, typical values are 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4.0) :type mt_nw: float :param num_taper: number of eigen tapers (2*nw - 3 gives tapers with eigen values larger than 0.96) :type num_taper: int :param dt_fac: percentage of wave period at which measurement range is too large and MTM reverts to CCTM misfit :type dt_fac: float :param err_fac: percentange of error at which error is too large :type err_fac: float :param dt_max_scale: used to calculate maximum allowable time shift :type dt_max_scale: float :param phase_step: maximum step for cycle skip correction (?) :type phase_step: float :type double_difference: bool :param double_difference: flag to turn on double difference measurements, which signals to the main calc function whether additional waveforms are required at input """ def __init__(self, min_period, max_period, lnpt=15, transfunc_waterlevel=1.0E-10, water_threshold=0.02, ipower_costaper=10, min_cycle_in_window=0.5, taper_type="hann", taper_percentage=0.3, mt_nw=4.0, num_taper=5, dt_fac=2.0, phase_step=1.5, err_fac=2.5, dt_max_scale=3.5, measure_type="dt", dt_sigma_min=1.0, dlna_sigma_min=0.5, use_cc_error=True, use_mt_error=False, double_difference=False ): self.min_period = min_period self.max_period = max_period self.taper_type = taper_type self.taper_percentage = taper_percentage self.measure_type = measure_type self.use_cc_error = use_cc_error self.dt_sigma_min = dt_sigma_min self.dlna_sigma_min = dlna_sigma_min self.use_mt_error = use_mt_error self.lnpt = lnpt self.transfunc_waterlevel = transfunc_waterlevel self.water_threshold = water_threshold self.ipower_costaper = ipower_costaper self.min_cycle_in_window = min_cycle_in_window self.mt_nw = mt_nw self.num_taper = num_taper self.phase_step = phase_step self.dt_fac = dt_fac self.err_fac = err_fac self.dt_max_scale = dt_max_scale self.double_difference = double_difference # To be overwritten by get_config() self.adjsrc_type = None