Source code for signal

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Utility functions for Pyadjoint.

    adjTomo Dev Team (, 2022
    Lion Krischer (, 2015
    BSD 3-Clause ("BSD New" or "BSD Simplified")
import numpy as np
import obspy
import warnings
from pyadjoint import PyadjointError, PyadjointWarning, logger

[docs]EXAMPLE_DATA_PDIFF = (800, 900)
[docs]EXAMPLE_DATA_SDIFF = (1500, 1600)
[docs]TAPER_COLLECTION = ('cos', 'cos_p10', 'hann', "hamming")
[docs]def get_window_info(window, dt): """ Convenience function to get window start and end times, and start and end samples. Repeated a lot throughout package so useful to keep it defined in one place. :type window: tuple, list :param window: (left sample, right sample) borders of window in sample :type dt: float :param dt: delta T, time step of time series :rtype: tuple (float, float, int) :return: (left border in sample, right border in sample, length of window in sample) """ assert(window[1] >= window[0]), f"`window` is reversed in time" nlen = int(np.floor((window[1] - window[0]) / dt)) + 1 # unit: sample left_sample = int(np.floor(window[0] / dt)) right_sample = left_sample + nlen return left_sample, right_sample, nlen
[docs]def sanity_check_waveforms(observed, synthetic): """ Perform a number of basic sanity checks to assure the data is valid in a certain sense. It checks the types of both, the start time, sampling rate, number of samples, etc. :param observed: The observed data. :type observed: :class:`obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param synthetic: The synthetic data. :type synthetic: :class:`obspy.core.trace.Trace` :raises: :class:`~pyadjoint.PyadjointError` """ if not isinstance(observed, obspy.Trace): # Also accept Stream objects. if isinstance(observed, obspy.Stream) and \ len(observed) == 1: observed = observed[0] else: raise PyadjointError( "Observed data must be an ObsPy Trace object.") if not isinstance(synthetic, obspy.Trace): if isinstance(synthetic, obspy.Stream) and \ len(synthetic) == 1: synthetic = synthetic[0] else: raise PyadjointError( "Synthetic data must be an ObsPy Trace object.") if observed.stats.npts != synthetic.stats.npts: raise PyadjointError("Observed and synthetic data must have the same " "number of samples.") sr1 = observed.stats.sampling_rate sr2 = synthetic.stats.sampling_rate if abs(sr1 - sr2) / sr1 >= 1E-5: raise PyadjointError("Observed and synthetic data must have the same " "sampling rate.") # Make sure data and synthetics start within half a sample interval. if abs(observed.stats.starttime - synthetic.stats.starttime) > \ * 0.5: raise PyadjointError("Observed and synthetic data must have the same " "starttime.") ptp = sorted([,]) if ptp[1] / ptp[0] >= 5: warnings.warn("The amplitude difference between data and " "synthetic is fairly large.", PyadjointWarning) # Also check the components of the data to avoid silly mistakes of # users. if len(set([[-1].upper(),[-1].upper()])) != 1: warnings.warn("The orientation code of synthetic and observed " "data is not equal.") observed = observed.copy() synthetic = synthetic.copy() = np.require(, dtype=np.float64, requirements=["C"]) = np.require(, dtype=np.float64, requirements=["C"]) return observed, synthetic
[docs]def taper_window(trace, left_border_in_seconds, right_border_in_seconds, taper_percentage, taper_type, **kwargs): """ Helper function to taper a window within a data trace. This function modifies the passed trace object in-place. :param trace: The trace to be tapered. :type trace: :class:`obspy.core.trace.Trace` :param left_border_in_seconds: The left window border in seconds since the first sample. :type left_border_in_seconds: float :param right_border_in_seconds: The right window border in seconds since the first sample. :type right_border_in_seconds: float :param taper_percentage: Decimal percentage of taper at one end (ranging from ``0.0`` (0%) to ``0.5`` (50%)). :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: The taper type, supports anything :meth:`obspy.core.trace.Trace.taper` can use. :type taper_type: str Any additional keyword arguments are passed to the :meth:`obspy.core.trace.Trace.taper` method. .. rubric:: Example >>> import obspy >>> tr =[0] >>> tr.plot() .. plot:: import obspy tr =[0] tr.plot() >>> from pyadjoint.utils.signal import taper_window >>> taper_window(tr, 4, 11, taper_percentage=0.10, taper_type="hann") >>> tr.plot() .. plot:: import obspy from pyadjoint.utils import taper_window tr =[0] taper_window(tr, 4, 11, taper_percentage=0.10, taper_type="hann") tr.plot() """ s, e = trace.stats.starttime, trace.stats.endtime trace.trim(s + left_border_in_seconds, s + right_border_in_seconds) trace.taper(max_percentage=taper_percentage, type=taper_type, **kwargs) trace.trim(s, e, pad=True, fill_value=0.0) # Enable method chaining. return trace
[docs]def window_taper(signal, taper_percentage, taper_type): """ Window taper function to taper a time series with various taper functions. Affect arrays in place but also returns the array. Both will edit the array. :param signal: time series :type signal: ndarray(float) :param taper_percentage: total percentage of taper in decimal :type taper_percentage: float :param taper_type: select available taper type, options are: cos, cos_p10, hann, hamming :type taper_type: str :return: tapered `signal` array :rtype: ndarray(float) """ # Check user inputs if taper_type not in TAPER_COLLECTION: raise ValueError(f"Window taper not supported, must be in " f"{TAPER_COLLECTION}") if taper_percentage < 0 or taper_percentage > 1: raise ValueError("taper percentage must be 0 < % < 1") npts = len(signal) if taper_percentage == 0.0 or taper_percentage == 1.0: frac = int(npts*taper_percentage / 2.0) else: frac = int(npts*taper_percentage / 2.0 + 0.5) idx1 = frac idx2 = npts - frac if taper_type == "hann": signal[:idx1] *=\ (0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * np.arange(0, frac) / (2 * frac - 1))) signal[idx2:] *=\ (0.5 - 0.5 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * np.arange(frac, 2 * frac) / (2 * frac - 1))) elif taper_type == "hamming": signal[:idx1] *=\ (0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * np.arange(0, frac) / (2 * frac - 1))) signal[idx2:] *=\ (0.54 - 0.46 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi * np.arange(frac, 2 * frac) / (2 * frac - 1))) elif taper_type == "cos": power = 1. signal[:idx1] *= np.cos(np.pi * np.arange(0, frac) / (2 * frac - 1) - np.pi / 2.0) ** power signal[idx2:] *= np.cos(np.pi * np.arange(frac, 2 * frac) / (2 * frac - 1) - np.pi / 2.0) ** power elif taper_type == "cos_p10": power = 10. signal[:idx1] *= 1. - np.cos(np.pi * np.arange(0, frac) / (2 * frac - 1)) ** power signal[idx2:] *= 1. - np.cos(np.pi * np.arange(frac, 2 * frac) / (2 * frac - 1)) ** power return signal
[docs]def process_cycle_skipping(phi_w, nfreq_max, nfreq_min, wvec, phase_step=1.5): """ Check for cycle skipping by looking at the smoothness of phi :type phi_w: np.array :param phi_w: phase anomaly from transfer functions :type nfreq_min: int :param nfreq_min: minimum frequency for suitable MTM measurement :type nfreq_max: int :param nfreq_max: maximum frequency for suitable MTM measurement :type phase_step: float :param phase_step: maximum step for cycle skip correction (?) :type wvec: np.array :param wvec: angular frequency array generated from Discrete Fourier Transform sample frequencies """ for iw in range(nfreq_min + 1, nfreq_max - 1): smth0 = abs(phi_w[iw + 1] + phi_w[iw - 1] - 2.0 * phi_w[iw]) smth1 = \ abs((phi_w[iw + 1] + 2 * np.pi) + phi_w[iw - 1] - 2.0 * phi_w[iw]) smth2 = \ abs((phi_w[iw + 1] - 2 * np.pi) + phi_w[iw - 1] - 2.0 * phi_w[iw]) phase_diff = phi_w[iw] - phi_w[iw + 1] if abs(phase_diff) > phase_step: temp_period = 2.0 * np.pi / wvec[iw] if smth1 < smth0 and smth1 < smth2: logger.warning(f"2pi phase shift at {iw} T={temp_period} " f"diff={phase_diff}") phi_w[iw + 1:nfreq_max] = phi_w[iw + 1:nfreq_max] + 2 * np.pi if smth2 < smth0 and smth2 < smth1: logger.warning(f"-2pi phase shift at {iw} T={temp_period} " f"diff={phase_diff}") phi_w[iw + 1:nfreq_max] = phi_w[iw + 1:nfreq_max] - 2 * np.pi return phi_w